Our Tech Titan on this episode has proven himself as a born innovator and idea generator after over 10 years of launching out in the Nigerian technology industry.
He and his team of professionals have created and deployed innovative web applications for Nigeria's biggest brands alongside solutions with a huge Nigerian user base.
He brings his passion for business and technology to bear as CEO of Websoft Limited with a culture that totally removes hierarchy from the workplace while creating an environment that promotes creativity and optimal individual and team performance.
Please, welcome with us Johnson Dunmoye.
TTN: How did you start your company?
JD: Started with a couple of friends while in year 3. We started from wanting to setup the first cyber cafe in the University of Ibadan to learning to use Photoshop for fun and then website design and now to where we are today.
TTN: Please, share some of your greatest lessons so far in the Nigerian tech industry?
JD: Development and launch of a product or service is just 10% of what is required for success. The remaining 90% includes and is not limited to strategy, determination,user feedback, flexibility, time, opportunity amongst others.
TTN: What are the biggest challenges you faced in growing your business?
JD: We've been limited to running the company strictly from the money the company makes. Absolutely no funding from anywhere.
Secondly, finding compatible people to work with is always a challenge.
TTN: Based on your experience please share a few startup tips?
JD: Let me summarize with the following points:
1. Life does not start after school, make sure you start something when you are in school.
2. Do not wait for everything to be perfect before you start, its never to late to start
3. Don't expect instant success!
4. Never see the companies money as yours, pay your self a monthly allowance that you are sure your company can pay even at bad times and survive on it.
5. Have a focussed market. Consider making your money from smaller target of people that can pay rather than chasing the mass market from start. For a small company, Its easier to make a profit of N100,000 from 10 people than to make a profit of N1 from 1,000,000 people.
TTN: What can technology professionals & entrepreneurs do about the harsh business terrain?
JD: See it as an advantage, more money exists where there are more problems. The harsh business terrain cuts down competition for you.
TTN: What companies have influenece you the most in the tech world & Why?
JD: Google, because I find a connection with their style and philosophy.
TTN: What are your favourite applications/tools/ products & Why?
JD: Adobe products since their tools are the dominant tools in web solutions development.
TTN: What are the most important attributes for success in the Nigerian tech industry?
JD: Similar to what I said earlier - Innovation, Strategy, Positioning, Determination, Skill, Finance and God.
TTN: Advice for young entrepreneurs & aspiring technology professionals?
JD: Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Most of the advice below are for entrepreneurs:
1. Let people know you for one thing and be the best at it!
2. Identify what can bring you money now for survival.
3. Keep working and looking for a product or service that if it works will give you good, contant flow of income.
4. Never depend on contracts jobs, no matter how much it pays, see them only as for temporary survival.
5. Choosing to be an entrepreneur, is choosing to close all exit options, die trying, no going back!
TTN: What book(s) influenced you the most.
JD: Blue ocean strategy
TTN: What do you think the future holds for web & mobile in Nigeria?
JD: The future is bright and now is the time to position
TTN: How do you relax off work?
JD: Watch TV, play the Nintendo Wii.

More about Johnson Dunmoye
Johnson Dunmoye is a highly experienced Application and Graphic designer with over ten years of experience in the field of Web Application development for public and private clients.
He also has an in-depth understanding of the Nigerian market and experience in planning, strategy development and business analysis.
He is currently on the committee of Nigeria Software Development Initiative (NSDI), a presidential Initiative set up by Former President Obasanjo to look into software development in Nigeria.
Johnson is a graduate of Civil Engineering from the University of Ibadan and is an alumnus of the prestigious Lagos Business School.
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